Say Hello to Spring With These 4 Warm-Weather Treatments

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Springtime is just around the corner, which means it’s time to shed those winter layers and put your best foot forward.
But what if you’re not feeling your warm-weather best just yet? Maybe you’re still carrying around some sun damage from last summer, or perhaps your feet need freshening up before you slip on your strappy spring sandals.
Don’t worry! These four treatments from Spa in the City will prepare you for spring from top to toe.
1. ZWave Cellulite Treatment
Cellulite is an incredibly common condition that causes lumpy dimples on the skin’s surface. It tends to affect women regardless of their weight because women’s skin tends to be thinner and more delicate than men’s (though men can also experience cellulite).
Cellulite is totally harmless, but it can make some people self-conscious and hesitant to wear shorts, skirts, or bathing suits in warmer months. If you’re interested in smoothing the cellulite on your legs, buttocks, hips, or torso, the ZWave treatment can help.
ZWave is the first treatment clinically proven to produce smoother, tighter skin in areas affected by cellulite using radial electromagnetic energy. This is accomplished by targeting the weakened tissues that cause a dimpled look on the skin with a painless, high-intensity shock to the cells beneath the skin.
The ZWave technology reduces the pockets of fatty tissue that cause cellulite and stimulates protein fibers to produce new proteins, like collagen and elastin, to improve the skin’s appearance. Contact us today to determine whether you’re a good candidate for ZWave for cellulite.

Photo: Focused Creative Photography
2. AcuPulse CO2 Laser Resurfacing
Co2 Laser resurfacing is an ablative procedure that uses lasers to target a remarkable variety of skin issues, including signs of aging, uneven texture, laxity and tone, scars, and stretch marks. If you suffer from acne scarring, hyperpigmentation or melasma, fine to moderate lines, sun damage, or age spots, skin resurfacing treatments can significantly reduce their appearance, leaving you with smooth, glowing skin and rapid results.
Laser treatments are ideal for people looking to see a noticeable improvement even after a single session. Booking your laser appointment now can help you look your best for all your upcoming spring events!
At Spa in the City, we deliver a gentle but deeply penetrating laser skin treatment via the Co2 AcuPulse Co2 laser, which we use to restore a more youthful appearance to the skin. Contact us today to discover whether AcuPulse Co2 resurfacing is right for you.

Photo: Focused Creative Photography
3. Non-Surgical Body Contouring
Do you still struggle with stubborn fat despite living a healthy, balanced lifestyle and exercising regularly? Want to look your best in your spring swimwear or wedding attire? Consider a non-surgical, non-invasive body contouring procedure like those we offer at Spa in the City, including Body FX, Evolve X Transform, and Contoura Forma Plus.
With body contouring procedures like BodyFX and Contoura Forma Plus, our technicians use radiofrequency to tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of body fat. We also offer EvolveX Transform, another non-surgical contouring treatment that induces muscle contractions that aren’t achievable with exercise, improving the definition of your natural physique.
If you’re interested in any of these procedures, our specialists will consult you to determine which body contouring service is best for you. Contact us today to set up a consultation.

Photo: Focused Creative Photography
4. Nail Fungus Treatments
With the arrival of spring comes a veritable parade of strappy sandals showing off fresh manicures. But if you suffer from stubborn nail fungus, you may feel tempted to keep your closed-toe shoes on as the temperatures warm up.
Though nail fungus may be embarrassing to some, more than 10% of the population struggles with it, and we all become more susceptible to fungal conditions as we age.
Apart from being unappealing to the eye, fungal infections can have more serious medical repercussions, including secondary bacterial infections, nail thickening, and even serious complications for diabetic and vascular-compromised patients.
Until recently, patients were limited to oral steroids to treat nail fungus, but many patients were left seeking a better treatment option. Now, an innovative combination of cutting-edge laser technologies is available to treat fungal infections in the nail bed. Our Harmony Laser with advanced Nd: YAG technology, combined with the powerful Q-Switch Laser, allows for higher power and optimized patient comfort.
After as few as four sessions, the affected nails will begin to show improvement in six months to a year as the nail bed grows fungi-free. If you’re ready to banish pesky nail fungus and show off your favorite sandals again, book a consultation with Spa in the City Dallas today.