Tattoos Are No Longer Forever
Tattoos Are No Longer Forever
When you are eighteen, living the fun, flirty, thriving and rebellious teen life, you make impulsive, nonsensical decisions that may be a point of regret in your later years. Remember when getting that butterfly tattoo on your backside was all the rage? A few decades and kids later, that same colorful butterfly that was once in the prime of its life is now looking like a Rorschach Inkblot Test. Time has not been a friend to your body or to your embarrassing tattoo reminding you of your youthful rebellion. Being a full-fledged adult with a way of life far different from your teenage years is all the reason you need to remove a fad that has left its indelible mark.
Whether you no longer wish to keep your tattoo due to the natural aging of your body, you’ve outgrown that phase of your life, medical reasons or you committed the faux pas of tattooing your ex’s name, eliminating your tattoo can be easily done using a Quality-Switched, or Q-Switched laser.
What Can Q-Switched Lasers Do?
Q-Switched lasers are a non-invasive method to remove effectively the traces of your “what was I thinking?” tattoos. The Q-Switched laser differs from traditional lasers in that the laser beam targets the ink in rapid, pulsating movements. The energy given off by the Q-Switched laser is potent enough to break up the ink pigmentation, fragmenting them into smaller pieces that are consumed by the body and flushed out.
What To Expect
The exact number of treatments to successfully eradicate your tattoos depends on several factors:
- Overall health—the healthier you are, the quicker you will heal, and the sooner results can be seen.
- Location of your tattoo.
- Age of tattoo – the ink from older tattoos may require extra sessions, as the ink sinks further into the layers of the skin as time goes on.
- Type of ink used.
- Tattoo size—larger, more detailed tattoo designs may require more treatments to erase the tattoo entirely.
It can take anywhere from to six to twelve treatments to see full tattoo clearance. Each treatment is spaced out eight weeks apart to allow for proper healing of the skin and to allow the ink to pass from the tattooed area.
Don’t Pick It!
Although minimal to no scarring is involved when getting the Q-Switched laser treatment, it is imperative to follow aftercare instructions to ensure a speedy recovery that reduces your risk for potential scarring.
After the treatments, you may experience the following in the treated areas:
- Tenderness or increased sensitivity
- Redness
- Formation of blisters and scabs within twenty-four hours
No matter how tempting it is to pick any crusted, raised skin on your treated area, resist the temptation and do not pick it! Your skin is in the process of healing itself and picking off scabs or blisters disrupts that healing process and could lead to scarring.
If body art is a thing of the past for you, our team at Spa in the City would love to bring you to the present with a customized treatment for removal of your tattoos. To schedule your consultation today, please contact us at 972-441-7933.